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Monday, 3 October 2011

Rocka 3.0 and possessed Rocka 3.0

Have you ever wondered what Rocka 3.0 would look like if he ever got possessed by the Witch Doctor?
Here are some images of what I think he would look like, you might have a different opinion. 

Here is standard Rocka, I used images from Google to achieve this and I also used Lego Digital Designer (LDD) to create this model. Just your average Rocka.

And now... his possessed form...

 Here he is... Rocka 3.0 possessed by the witch Doctor. Please note...
 His recoloured unique armour piece,
 His new claw with Quazar spikes instead of metal,
 His 'villan core'(the opposite to his Hero core),
 His darkened helmet,
and the Quazar spikes protruding from his back.
This is Rocka -3.0...

Just wanted to share this little creation with you guys. Until next time...
Keep on Brickin'!

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